Overview Service
QuantiLAB contributes to environmental monitoring and improvement by providing a variety of analytical solutions to both the corporate organisations, governmental institutions and the general public.
Our services include testing for water, soil, air, and other items to determine their state and influence on the environment.
Our laboratory’s capabilities are rapidly developing, with our clients’ needs at the forefront of our development.
Quantilab provides testing for a wide range of environmental parameters in both microbiology and chemistry.
QuantiLAB provides a comprehensive range of tests to ensure compliance with local and international regulations consisting of inorganic, organic, and microbiological characteristics.
Potable water
- As per the Drinking Water Standards (Regulation 3) of the Environment Protection Act (GN No. 55 of 1996).
- As per the Directive (EU) 2020/2184 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2020 on the quality of water intended for human consumption.
- As per the Council Directive 98/83/EC of 3 November 1998 on the Quality of water intended for human consumption (Part A & B).
- As per the Council Directive 98/83/EC of 3 November 1998 on the Quality of water intended for human consumption (Part C).
- Analysis of water supplied by a distribution network corresponding to the =analysis program carried out on taps normally used for human consumption (Journal officiel de la République Française; Texte 13 sur 65 du 7 mars 2010) (D1 + D2).
Bottled water
- As per Guideline values for Bottled water, Sixty-Fourth Schedule (Regulation 421) of the Food Regulations 1999.
- As per the Second and Third Schedule (Regulation 4) of the Standards for Effluent Discharge (GN No 44 of 2003) of the Environment Protection Act.
- As per the Standards for Effluent Discharge into the Ocean (Regulation 3) (GN No. 45 of 2003) of the Environment Protection Act 2002.
- As per the Standards of effluent for use in irrigation, Regulation 3 (1) (GN No. 46 of 2003) of the Environment Protection Act 2002.
- As per the Standards for Discharge of Industrial Effluent into a waste water system – Fourth schedule (regulations 6 and 8) (GN No. 2 of 2020).
Waste water
- According to the ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines (Version 1.1).
Inland Surface water
- According to Guidelines for Inland Surface Water Quality (GN. No. 188 of 1998).
Irrigation water
- As per the Guidelines for Irrigation Water Quality (GN No. 617 of 1999) of the Local Environment Protection Act.
Coastal water
- As per the Guidelines for Coastal Water Quality (GN No. 620 of 1999) of the Local Environment Protection Act.
All plants and crops require specific nutrient elements to grow, but soils vary in their ability to provide the correct balance of nutrients for a variety of reasons, including soil type, environmental conditions, crop removal, and the application of soil amendments such as manure, compost, commercial fertiliser, or crop residues.
QuantiLAB provides the tests necessary, as described below, to establish the characteristics of the soil, allowing you to make informed decisions about crop management.
- pH
- Organic Matter
- Conductivity
- Pesticide Residues
- Elements such as Calcium, Magnesium, Sulfur, Sodium, Copper, Iron, Lead, Cadmium, Chromium, Molybdenum, Arsenic, Zinc, Manganese, Aluminium, Boron, Mercury etc.
Air analysis is fast evolving as environmental awareness and accountability for attaining greater air quality grow. QuantiLAB employs innovative methods and technology for both indoor and outdoor air monitoring. The parameters which can be performed for air analysis include:
- Carbon dioxide
- Carbon monoxide
- Ozone
- PM 2.5
- PM 10
- Volatile Organic Compounds
- Ammonia
- Hydrogen Sulphide
- Sulphur dioxide
- Nitrogen dioxide
- Temperature
- Pressure
- Relative Humidity
- Yeast and moulds
The presence of undesirable or harmful microbes in regulated areas in manufacturing facilities can harm the ultimate product, the consumer as well as the company’s reputation.
Surface swab testing is a good method for monitoring corners, work surfaces, knobs, gloves, equipment and difficult-to-reach areas in your facility. QuantiLAB also offers Hand swab testing on food handlers.
Environmental monitoring on a regular basis helps manufacturers to ensure that hazardous bacteria are not affecting their products. Microbiological testing can help check that your procedures and hygiene control measures are effective.
Microbiological and Chemical residue testing assists clients in meeting program and certification standards such as HACCP, BRC, and GMP, among others.

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