Analytical Testing
QuantiLAB started its analytical services as the MTCL back in 1986. Many of our analytical experts from this period are still part of our team, which means that our clients benefit from a wealth of analytical experience and expertise.
Quality System
QuantiLAB endeavours to maintain a very high level of quality in both its inspection and analytical services.
What our client say about us
We expect a Lab to deliver Quality results on time. Our choice for working with QuantiLAB was the right decision.
QuantiLAB has proven to us through their competence and performance to focus on core quality parameters in our process for continual improvement.
The customer service/technical support are outstanding. We depend on QuantiLAB as a partner and not as a supplier. Thus, without hesitation I would recommend QuantiLAB for their quality service and commitment.
QuantiLab has been a great help to the Indian racing industry. The Laboratory has been analysing our race horse samples since 2017 and reported many positive findings for prohibited substances.
All the positive dope findings reported by the QuantiLab were categorically clear, genuine and non-controversial. Both the administrative and the technical team under the leadership of Mr Bertrand Baudot are out competent and have been discharging commendable service in analytical field.
We are glad to know that the QuantiLab is now joining the QIMA Group, a global leader in testing. With this initiative we hope that QuantiLab will rise to the new destination internationally.
We wish you all the best and success in your future endeavors.
Soboriz tiens à souligner le travail remarquable effectué par le laboratoire QuantiLAB depuis plus de 5 ans maintenant.
Nous savons que nous pouvons toujours compter sur QuantiLAB pour son écoute, ses conseils, sa capacité à s’adapter à nos besoins.
Dans toute circonstance, QuantiLAB sait maintenir une très bonne relation avec ses clients.
C’est donc en toute logique que nous recommandons fortement le laboratoire QuantiLAB